8小时的飞行,冰凉的机位随着太阳光的折射逐渐温和。太阳,真的很美。她的魅力,就在当你 无声无息的开始抱怨、失望、泄气的时候,给你一个吻一个温抱。
ABROAD - Qatar, Doha
Labels: Qatar
50 First Date
This romance comedy is about a man who goes out of his way to make a woman fall in love with him every day and helps her family cope with this illness by saying, “Don't just have her live the same day over and over. Make her life better. Allow her to grow because she is going to age and she's going to deal.” It's actually incredibly sensitive.
Marine biologist Henry Roth (Adam Sandler) finds the perfect woman, Lucy Whitmore (Drew Barrymore) and falls head over heels for her. But when he sees her the following day, she hasn't a clue as to who he is. Lucy suffers from a rare brain disorder that wipes her memory clean every night. Now, with the help of his friend Ula (Rob Schneider), he has to concoct new and increasingly clever ways to meet her and get her to fall for him every friggin' day. 有人祈求能忘切昨日甚至以往种种的不快或伤感之事。看了此影片,料您会衷心感激上天赐给自己完美的脑袋。毕竟回忆才是世界上最完美的人生片段。
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