


她的书,不是我的第一次。可是没有翻过或未曾带过回家的,就属于第一次。这个星期有不少的“第一次”,是来得那么的突然没任何准备。只要不是柴米油盐酱醋茶的基本需求,买书,和买任何物质上的任何东西的感觉都是一样,占有欲就是在那前几秒钟特别的强,强得你不得不被它淹没,被它牵引,无论是序是结尾时引述,都是那么的头头是道字字珠玑。人,不也是如此吗?她有一篇文章,读后仍在自己的脑海久久不散... 因为我相信他所说,相信我所相信的。





曾经相信过历史,后来知道,历史的一半是编造…… 。






那么,有没有什么,是我二十岁前不相信的,现在相信了呢?有的,不过都是些最平凡的老生常谈。曾经不相信“性格决定命运”,现在相信了。曾经不相信“色即是空”,现在相信了。曾经不相信“船到桥头自然直”,现在有点信了。曾经不相信无法证实的事情,现在也还没准备相信,但是,有些无关证实的感觉,我明白了。………… 。



Simple and Beautiful

In the spirit of this holiday season, I brough a packet of flour that I already keep for couple of months (ooopppsss..!) to one of my dear friends' house for baking a wonderful array of petite cookies.

We had a tough time choosing between, shape, thickness, well, everything. After much deliberation...and sacrified an old mixer nonetheless, we produced these gorgeous shape of cookies that we had an agreement finally. It really taste as good as they look, a great and crunchy sweet and lovely butter cookies!

I greatly appreciated of the wonderful creation but i still prefer to cook a table of meals for a dining instead of staying in the kitchen for nearly a day just to keep sending a tray by tray of the cookies into the microwave oven... anyway, thanks for your lovely accompany my dear (hi Ann!) and am looking forward to cook you and your family an afternoon meals that I promiesed on next coming weekend!



书局的另外一个目的,除了找书,也可以看看那些应市场推出的旧曲新唱版本,有些装订得更实在,有些像卖杂志图片多过内容,尤其台湾版的,弄到美到想另外买个精美的铁罐子把它收藏起来,得空放在粉红书桌子摆一摆,拿mini 鸡毛扫扫扫又放回柜。真要是这样的话,我宁愿花钱买个毛茸茸舒服的抱枕,好过齋摆。










晚上和他聊电话的时候,说起中午我去银行办的些琐碎事和出现一些令自己懊恼又摸不着头脑的事情。遇到这种情况,他通常都会深入浅出解释给我听然后再问回我些相关的问题,如果我回答得出那就代表我懂了。给出了漂亮的答案后,我又不懂从哪儿捡起另个问题,又再追问下去... 就这样一问一答了好十几分钟,最后他还是弃权,然后很郑重地告诉我说:你是一只聪明的猪,你明天睡醒就懂了。



近这一年来,有很大的改变。最大的蜕变就是从N 年前的饭桶变成现在的饼桶。不是很爱吃饭,老爱口里叼块饼干,又咸又甜就是好滋味。可是他突如其来的一句话,是有点把我给吓着了。









古代英雄剑侠杀人不留一滴血,让后者根本无迹可寻;又或者来个借刀杀人,要真是留有踪迹也不至于兴师问罪。生在当时要是有丁点或有意无意让人认为你是太过冲动刚强聪明出名 , 或是反之优柔寡断愚笨贪婪无知,都是致命伤。现代人规规矩矩朝九晚五开裆看铺,但官官相卫当然免不了每天上演好戏,虽然全都不相上下但也胜在局局精彩。

论人类这种充满感情的动物,从外表来看,男人的致命伤肯定是下面多出的那样东西。虽然不晓得下面多一样的感觉是怎样也可能是小便时会比较方便,不过如果少了其应该拥有的本能,那肯定是一个不能弥补的致命伤,纵然目前医学是如此昌明。男人可能也不明白女人上面多两团东西的感觉是怎样,也不会了解如果告诉男人说没有抱枕时抱着自己也是种很舒服的感觉。不过要是发现那团东西内又多了一小团的话,就一点都不再舒服了。要被逼 “割”舍的话也是女人一生不能弥补的伤痕。不过,不是每个女人都如此不幸,也并非每个男人如此不举。但是生活上却往往有很多不尽完美的事情发生,为什么说不尽完美,因为人类都是贪婪,或者用更美点的字眼 — 要求高的动物。男人要求可以看完每场球赛;女人要求突然有一天男人可以不再爱看,虽然知道那只是一个妄想。男人要求女人不再有每天买不忘的东西逛不完的街;女人就要求永远可以买到适合自己的尺码颜色款式,当然还有提不完的款,包括机器和人体,因为男人永远不明白女人的橱里头是永远少一件衣服少一双鞋子。



A Christmas Tree

Brother gets a Christmas tree home and wanted to buy a decorations to set it up. Well, regarding from him, the tree was a F.O.C but thing is we’re not Christian and buying this kinda stuff quite wasting and we do not have enough place to store it after the season.

If he looking forward of his expected present would be lying under the tree the next morning when he get up, I would rather him to place a XXL socks beside his pillow or nails it on the wooden door, think the chance for him to get delighted is higher...lol. Nevertheless, if he can think of a way that only required a little tiny money and will have great accomplishments; we will always respect and agree with whatever of his proposal ^^.




排队,顾名思义出来的效果当然就是一排排。少点机灵,除了累坏了自己,有时还会伤及无辜,广东话有句很传神的- 累街坊,就是这样解。基本上除了还账单电费水费杂费才逼不得已要排队,现在网络的方便还有e-banking,连车油也省了。不过,不同的国家社会风气有别,队伍也相应成趣。有个国家的排队pattern真的要好好讲讲。

整齐有序是给他们的嘉许。队伍可以绕过任何路障牌面摊子,直线型L-型都属普遍。到了ZSW的,就是经典了。不能说无独有偶,但很大机会是别无分店。都某广场闲逛购物,内部设计大都与各地一样,最低层是化妆香氛保养品部门,再上就是服装。顶楼的家居用品大抛售,女人的天性,当然不忘去“看看”。手上拿着战利品看着排队的人潮已经穿过室内摆设到厨房用具尾端 ,如能在一小时后提着购物袋出门口已是种荣幸,庆幸员工们的效率还不算低,但我却不打算在这排上至少一小时。走到楼下的童装部,两个“洁净”的柜台,等前面的auntie埋了单子,我就是下一个,前后不到五分钟。

如是认为物以稀为贵,耗费时间精力得来的东西特别妙,本人没有异议;又或者认为只要有人列队的地方就免不了有好kang-tao,有时间不妨去凑凑热闹排一排,也可接受;如果说就是爱排队,那纯粹个人喜好也无法讨论。不过如果一味随从,凡是都要law by law,没有巧妙的从中做取舍安排,也只是盲从。更何况,我并没有break the law, 都是同一间公司的产品,也没有说不能到另个柜台付账呀! 其实,只要没有违反常规而又觉得自在舒服的话,队伍长短与否,对他们来说更本就不重要,因为这毕竟是他们生活里的一部分,生活的插曲。


Cuddle the weekend in Sg

Happy December! I find it really hard to believe that a whole year just went by like that...especially after I came back from Singapore for another lovely weekend, time is truly flying by.

Well, I love when every weekend arrives because I could possible to see my love one which is 350km away from my place. Am really strenching my neck and looking forward to enjoy my day over there and goshopping. I've bought myself (opps, actually am the one who chosen but he paid for it…lol!) a bucket of skincare and bath products, and a new gadget for my laptop that am planning to buy long time ago. In addition, I love my new elegance gold heels and the pearls accessories.

To be honest, material comforts wouldn't makes a happy feeling to be long lasting. What preserves forever? We all knew it, don't you?


Little Surprises

Love that the weekend has finally arrived… Well, it’s end of November and December just around the corner and seems like can’t wait to step in. Am not a Christian so have no massive Christmas list of to- do’s, to have’s or try to-do’s…lol. But, am looking forward to dine with my love one this weekend and walking along the street with full of holiday season’s decorations. From mini to huge Christmas trees, Christmas lights along the road side and buildings, from classic elements to handmade and unique pieces, am very sure everything will be inspired me all night long.

Besides that, I wanted to give him something unique that I’ve had bought couple week ago. Not a pre-Christmas gift item of course but I do hope he will like it! I love the wrapping idea, it's so luxurious and such a customized touch to presents! Don't you think it's too pretty to open?


found HER

Yipppeee! I found my dream sandals. Black shade may already be very classic but with an open toe and a zip to fasten made her achieved an edgy and sumptuous look. It's totally very comfort and feminine and only cost me less than $20. What else can we demand on if the shoes just can last for 3 months? But am sure I can pair it with anything and can have it for more than a season!


A crush with BEAN

Here u come, Saturday! I've started daydreaming about all the delicious treats I'll be eating soon and, unfinished soya bean milk to drink along this weekend.

Couple days ago, I found out my ex colleugue (hi vs!) know how to made soya bean. Guess what, we decided to let soya bean to join us in our afternoon gathering. I love it so much since I am not really like to get carton of high preservative soya bean milk in supermarket and usually I only can get it through street stall when I pass by.

My weekend was wonderfull. Because of bean, I get to know Vs's two lovely puppies Keiga and Take, gorgeous pets. Moreover, I packed lot of fashion magazines for spending on a sunday rainy afternoon. Of course, with a glass of soya bean milk.




来到间小面摊,以鲁Lak 闻名。无需去猜测它与历代或当地社会有什么联系,观其字就是鲁面+ Asam Laksa。当然,也有分别卖这两种面食。友人说难得到这一定要尝,看看此摊子离住家不远,要真是搅肚子连走带跑到家料想也不会拉到裤子,就和它拼了!不是出奇的美味,但也不难吃,胜在特别。料你也无法将Asam Laksa 煮到像鲁面的样子,或是鲁面煮得像Asam Laksa 的味道吧!




A big thanks to VS

Welcome to the new week! How was your weekend? I've had a great escape to North of Penisular Malaysia. It's supposed to be a beautiful and lovely weekend which is pretty exciting for end of the year. I do love sunshine. Sunny days really makes me excited. I like the smell of the sea especially when warm and comfy wind blowing off up to the sky. I wanto send a big thanks and kiss to one of my dear friends (hi vs!) for sending me a nice and warm message to cheer up my life again the next morning.

Here's what had written in the mail: Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.

VS, I know you never expected your mail can create such huge impact on me. Thanks alot my dear, greatly apprecaited!


Panties panties!

Im busy with my closet makeover recently. An organised closet really does make things alot simpler when you have everything right infront of you. I don't have a huge wardrobe and my accessories including shoes and handbags were "parked" in a different place so the variety of closet consider large enought (at this moment, ahaha) for me to place my clothes.

Surprisingly, I found that I've soooooooooo many new panties that I bought earlier before especially when am traveling. Am started to think of, do I addicted in a "panties collection"? Different color and fabric does makes us feel comfy and looks great besides of physical appreance. I started to buy different kind of collections, great colours combination, lovely fabrics and styles of panties after I've had received the first dozen of panties from him years ago. It is same like when you see something classy and chic and detailed with some laces and symbols when you passing by a wardrobe window, where you toes will be headed to?


Front-Zip Platform Sandals

It looks so chic and stunning. Wearing it would surely captivate attention. It’s usual to see them in black since black really brings tough look. I have already seen some of tough-looking footwear designs but I recently found that it’s so interesting and I started to fall in love with it. With a zip to fasten and an open toe, glamour is the best word to describe her. Furthermore, I like the platform so that easily to walk.

I want to get one for myself. Of course not from these brands which the tags in between $700-$990…! I know where to get something glamour and cheap and suit the size of my wallet.








Yellow day

A New month! But this great year end season was welcomed by A yellow day…pfff…! My grandma always telling me when I was a child, your bed will get floated in a yellow day. Is a raining season in the Ninth God Festival, a grand celebration for Chinese society . Done all the washing and cleaning, the best thing to do now is lying on my comfy coach and spend the rest afternoon with the latest fashion magazine and a glass of honey of course lol.


Happy b*day

I’m so excited and looking forward to this weekend comes. There’re so many fun loving things been planned months ago, just for the special day to come.


Happiness Myths

I recently went to Malacca, another small but fantastic town which is just 140km away from Kuala Lumpur. That was a nice weather to out station and accompany with great CD track and smooth traffic and my new 3 quarter black pants. Blue sky white clouds green green grass… everything is so nice. No rain for now at lease even we’re in a raining season.

Thing has changed after half an hour on the road… everything seems not so pretty anymore. My car’s a/c was broken down. The journey seems so long and I can’t wait to call my friend and tell him: am arrived! He was my ex-uni mate. Our friendship was successfully passed through the seven-year ditch, lol. Half of my friends be replaced but another half stay the same. I do believe Friendship goes through phases. Who becomes my close mate is determined by my social needs. However, one thing for sure is, if you’ve got a really strong, long-term friendship, and you know each other very well, geography doesn’t matter at all.

Another reason besides of a gathering is to see his newborn baby, Ellie. Surprisingly, our topic has changed to baby, marriage, house hold… whatsoever, he found his happiness myths and this is the most important thing for him now.






Little parsley

I like october. I am really looking forward to October due to I had lots of thing to be expected in this lovely season. To me, it meants windy, sweet, white singlet, brownie scarf and pink flip flop. Announcements, celebrations, gatherings...all fall in this month. My dear friends in another part of world, should be busy on choosen out their lovely socks, thousand of colors different of materials and knitted beautifully... yes, they do fancy with socks!

Woke up early to prepare a brunch for myself! An hour of cooking but finished within 20 minutes, lol. Butter and Cheese Mushroom Spaghetti... I like the chopped parsley. It mixed well in the white gravy pepper sause and the color combination more like an embellishement. Life is always full of surprise, even a small bunch of parsley.



讲到吃,鲍参翅肚山珍海味当然多多益善。现代都市女人有地位有能力,称心地点,High Tea之类偶尔的聚会很少会不赏脸,而露天能观远景的通常都会是首选,如果有天时地利人和的配合。不过女人的通病很多时候就是期望过高,尤其忘了她们享受的正是特价的优惠。

本人没什社会地位能力也有限,朋友说有间日式自助餐打五折特价优惠,考虑该不该去吃个痛快。当“优惠”二字映入脑海是,想的不是会多花那小部分钱,而是节省了一半的价钱,适逢又是优惠最后一天。选了张露天位子,先来个清凉椰子顺顺喉咙。选择坐在室内的好处就是食物近手可得。不过看着黑暗的灯光把食物打得火红橙黄,挤在空调潮湿的室内吃着没有了天然美感的食物又少了份阳光的气息,是美中的不足。脸上的不是dinner 妆,一排排的灯折射在脸上,自己也快像片sashimi。城中大多数的餐厅要不坐落于商业大厦内,就是普通店铺,要是如此,选个靠窗位子,或不是客人进出的主要通道吧!位子虽有限,你可以预定,如果想要花上至少3小时在那儿进餐的话。如该餐厅没有预定的服务,而又肯定自己将不会那么幸运有张风水位,那就得深思了。要是便、靓、正那当然不在话下,吃饱走人,大有地方去。


拨了一盘的鲜虾,然后是辣酱柠檬汁配生蚝,几块寿司和鳗鱼… 再逛多两圈,就发现中西韩式料理包括甜品占了6成。是为配合顾客们本身的多样化口味和天性,还是世上根本就很难找到专情独一的经营家?




说是大多人,也有那一小戳的存在。他们坐在露天café 舔着espresso的杯口,等着看站在大学门口那女生等的是何人,再看看稍微湿透的上衣,怜悯油然而生;或是靠在落地玻璃旁拨开菠萝炒饭上的芫茜,瞄着对头街走来的狼狈女郎上身的格子衬衫和感觉不搭配的紫色手提袋,才明白颜色是今季的主题,不是搭配的问题;也可以挤在角头间mamak 档咬着插在teh’ O ice limao里的吸管, 享受再坐多一小时也没人管的得意,不时仰头老板依然是黯然生意难做的神情。

夏季的雨天让四周沾上黄土泥味,身上是汗是水也闻不出,但却往往让人欣喜若狂。感觉就像疲乏的身子回到家如常拉开电冰箱看到一盒雪糕,要再加上倒插在瓶装饮料旁的甜筒,更是一种bonus,一种奢侈的bonus。不贪婪的,可能要求的只是罐汽水,管他什么牌子,如再要求有些冰块再加上柠檬片… 你可以安慰自己说是对枯燥的生活有些不过太的要求。要求,也可以是种习惯。

那些习惯没有要求的,也恨不得。因为他们四周有太多不谋而合他们的要求,所以基本上也没什么要求可言了。 容易满足的,很难会有要求。


A Diners

Food always be my first priority when it comes to travel, of course, besides of shopping, lol. So, since am out of my home sweet home and a dusty city with full of honking and traffic jams, yeah most of the places in the world sharing the same condition but thing is am getting the most quality time of myself for this entire week, I don’t seen panic with the traffics but enjoy the scenery along the ways and I get to do whatever I want!

I have to say I was a bit more sensible for the meal, as a traveler. Surprisingly, all I ate just so filling and I don’t feel snacky at all and some of them even not came in my first intention. Look at the papaya salad, it was so gorgeous and tasty and it may temp me wanna lick my screen every time when I see it. Something regretful was the mouthwatering desserts were incredibly delicious till forgot to capture them before I leaving this lovely place, Bangkok.



无论古老新旧,每个城市都有它独特的味道。又再次从新加坡回来,每一回去的感觉都没什么大的分别,待上三五天,吃吃喝喝走走逛逛时而的开怀大笑不时又附头沉思,没舍的又过了一天。她力求平等先进美观是唯一能Impressed 自己的地方。

离开新加坡的36小时后飞抵曼谷。她让许多人先入为主的印象是,车水马龙杂乱无章布满烟尘的城市;又或者是芳香四“艳”,夜夜笙歌的不夜城。撇开那种Luxury 式的旅游,花上三五天在不同的小巷穿插游走,就会发觉,曼谷并不是想象的那么简单。


走进窄小的巷子,污水随拖鞋的踢踏溅起贴在平滑的后腿,你会发觉用上tissue拭擦是很累的动作。 停下来时小贩 们对你说的都是道地泰语,也从不去察觉或分析前面这位是否是游客,除了外表明显的ang mo佬,会道出一两个规范英语字,不然就索性不发一言,不是不说是语言不通。午饭时间,身上就如溅上一瓶鱼露和醋,走到哪都摆脱不了。吃裸条汤猪杂米饭烤肉腌制串烧,人人都沾上一些,再加几茶匙辣椒粉,站着坐着蹲着就往嘴巴里去,看他们吃得那么开心,自己也按耐不住在路边摊来一碗。最回味的还是那颗香脆番石榴,250泰铢整粒切片包起,水果本身还不是主角,是后头配上的那包酸梅辣椒粉。回国后有试调配,就是调不回当天人字拖站在街边吃的味道。整条巷子就是被这种五味杂成的味道混了混,成了可爱的巷弄文化。

曼谷人很会生活。市井一群的弄个推车放两张凳子就做买卖,做生意的也从不说摊子再摆迟一些好做多点生意,临走前和左邻右舍还能喝上一两瓶啤酒,笑谈风生;打工一族的就几家店面跑忙着试衣饰,客人上门有兴趣的就打包收钱,讨价还价的只要是不亏本倒贴通常也照单全收。认识的问多两句,他们只会挥挥手和谐的对你说:‘MAI PEN ARAI’! (意指无所谓、没关系、不打紧...)这是他们的生活哲学,不是悲观,是他们找到最能接近平静和平淡的要求。



need a separates saving acc?

I couldn't think off any word but only 'gorgeous' to describe her lovely body shapes.
should I, or for those bag lovers actually does what am i planning to, set up a separate savings account for the one and only shoulder bag? I am really impressed by J.Crew's design.


Breezy afternoon

Feeling pretty good, as I permed my hair, finally, for the first time, which should be another surprise for 'some one'~...lol. And, i've enjoyed sleeping and relaxing for the day. Beside of planning my great escape to Bangkok, yes,again! end of this month, as well as hoping my white gorgeous pants still allowed my little tummy to fit into, for the coming event in Singapore this weekend.



Well it's Friday again already. A week totally fly off. I did a whole bunch of nothing.. :S but, am finally finishing up the last of my unpacking and cleaning and am defintely waiting for the next gathering to come this weekend! Friday, could be my dear friend's last day of rotation and probably busy on ironing her uniforms? lol, what I really wish is a gathering with bottles of Vodka and bowls of lemon slice... how wonderful friday evening is!


Last Day

Weather is not so different today. The sun sunny as usual but it's my last day at work before my fly off day and the coming long weekend :) Asking about my feeling ? LOL, i just enjoying the moment and hanging around to make sure I seen everyone before 5 and happily packing..!


Thousand Layer Temptation

Oh...packing is tiring. Totally have no idea since when i get bored with this activity. I don't know how long it will takes even though I actually have not many things need to bring along :) Relaxing with a nice movie and a box of dessert...opps! Today is American Independents Day, mess hall ready and served lots of special meals and desserts. However, i still prefer to enjoy it in my 'house'. Falled in love with all kinds of dessert our chef makes...especially this, i named it 'thousand layer sweetie', not strongly-flavored but perhaps I still can sleep well with a full stomach surrounded with a mess up stuff.


as usual...Salmon

As usual, a dinner time which the gang in camp's mess hall after work. Whew! The buffet style dishes would never disappointed my highly expectation, all the time, exepcially when it's comes to fulfill my little tiny stomach enquiry . Fresh grill Salmon with an addition of squeezed of lemon... everything was such a lovely casual and relexed feel. If got another glass of lemonade after meal, how wonderful life it is after 5!


it's wednesday

It's Wednesday... or maybe it's still the first week of my rotation leave that I've spended if I wish really hard? Lots to do the day after tomorrow, this month though... which is probably the same for my family and some of my dear friends. I am headed to my best friend's beauty salon and perhaps another cooling eye gel or yogurt mask might sneak its way to my tiredness and blue mood.



The thought of buying or get something special to her as a signify of our friendship actually came across my mind such a long time. Something that she couldn't easily has in her region place, something that she could use it often and the most important is there is no time frame... so, trendy stuff and ordinary souvenir eventhough is from Malaysia been moved out of my list. Personal Designed and Handmade photo album already given her as a wedding present. What else that required my creativeness to produce meanwhile to be sure the precentage of daily usage is higher? Finally, this thing came across my mind and decided to get it done before I fly off.

Thank you and greatly appreciated to my dear ex-uni friend Sook Teeng and her friend who been able to deliver this parcel within a DAY! Certainly, that was a really high effectiveness and effciency service due to my flight is 4 days after the design and draft been sent.

p/s: sinem, am sure most of the time u will received lots of trainers' envy's signt especially while you're having ur tea during the morning meeting everyday!


无声的讶异 Totally Blank

当某些突如其来的种种让你思路还来不及配合自己那独有的感官反应时,“呆”可以不只是几秒事情。它甚至足以持续发酵至几小时或好几天。虽然它也是感官折射出来的成品,但其后遗症却不输给那些轻微的叹息感慨悲伤忐忑哭泣,到稍微严重的怒骂、厮杀式的呐喊、暴力式的发泄… 。
种种能recall,能如数家珍的举动之后都会有旁人的劝导鼓励。发愣,脑袋是一片空白,旁人讲话一句也没听见眼前发生种种一样也没看见,虽说是一种心理调节,但是愣的时间过长,少了生活上应有的细节和意义…唉, 讲了这么多,这几天感觉好像有点白活了。


Forrest Gump & Mr.Bubba

It was a night of good food and good company. Finally, get to meet Chris and Jeannie after 6months of schedule arrangement. Surprisingly they're seafood lovers! Due to this, we've had a bucket of lovely shrimps in Bubba Gump Restaurant.

That was a fantastic place. You'll keep youself busy on looking around the interior once you step in, admire how creative they are, how approachable of every waiter, how lovely of the 80's and early 90's songs they played... These are what we call usually, Packaging! Of course, the strenght of a restaurant always back to the food itself. Hmm~ I think Gump be able to turn one's head after they step out of this restaurant. Atlease, I was one of them!

Thanks! Chris. Very enjoyable and greatly appreciated for the dinner!

Blueberry Lemonade. Remember intead of main dish? Just becuase this was my order. Im kinda person who lazy to read through all the details of every meal and decide what to eat. Expecially when some of my friends make up their minds and go for Italian Dishes, oh Gosh! So, appreciated of Jeannie's explaination, however, she decided to order for me, finally. The greatest happinest was been taken good care by some one else, Don't u agree?