

车子的冷气修好不到三个月,又开始有不太对劲,声音让我驾着这辆比mini cooper 还mini 的车子在高速公路上“奔驰”是真的怕怕。先搞清楚,话说 “奔” 和 “驰”,是与步行来做比较,不是其他任何车辆。

打电话给阿贵: 有没有guarantee,因为才修好。

那个诚恳的阿贵说:我拿货都没有guarantee,我怎样给你guarantee?现在这种东西那里有guarantee的咧?我的工钱没有guarantee,赚你几十块,怎样可以guarantee?Guarantee 不到啦!


Raindrops keep falling on my head~

The past few days has been really slow due to the massive traffic jams, flooding, unfinished phone calls and appointments need to be arranged, stack of documents on my working desk need to be done and complete...Well, this is a contradict world and there is no such perfect thing. From drizzling to heavy rain and leads to flood and caused my car's brake not functioning well just because I have no choice not to drive over the terrible flooded area...Oh gosh!

Where is the real blue sky and sun? Anyway, it was a nice change. I enjoy the moment of rain drops keep falling on my head...yeah, sometimes, just about right, neither more nor less...


Craving for a new look

I am craving for a new look after been for a year of patient and tolerate with the hot weather... I Like the short, bit of messy and texture look. Hmm...,or maybe not for that at this moment but a long wavy style first?

You know what, sometimes, you just have to let your hair stylist to do what he likes because to be sure, they got a great taste. Of course you can let him know what exactly you looking for but things is the result always out from the expectation, and you always happy with the result and forgot what you have wish earlier on.

To be bear in mind, we walk into a place call salon, is a place for hair-dresser not magician, so never handed a magazine with Jennifer Aniston on the cover and tell your hairstylist : I want to look like that. The hairstylist might think off : Come-on, am not a plastic surgery and the only way to look like that is if you cut out the picture and staple it to your head?


那件RM14,110 的外套

问问那些拥有庞大衣柜的女士们还缺少或期望拥有那些高级奢侈品时,是的,衣柜是必要的家私,“大” 是视其容量而定,基本上没有一个标准的答案,不过那些经常购物或对潮流指标了如指掌的女人,就会给你大致相同或一致的答案,CHANEL 的软呢外套!


所谓层次,不就是我们茶余饭后吹水时所讲的有冇飞屎(face)的问题。某某嫂的老公月入千万,豪宅房车到孩子读的贵族学校不谈,出门身上没有像样的时尚单品充充场面,帮老公拓展社交圈子打麻将时可能还会招来没有tei-屎(taste)的话柄 ,为的还不是老公的飞屎么。讲tei-屎的,会对你解释说从衬里头、缝纫、主面料、裁剪到手工修饰等等的功夫去看它的价值,而且他可能还会告诉你,这是最不容易过时的最好的投资;讲飞屎的,会让你知道它要你至少4个月的人工,更重屎味的,还会强调,my friend, is net take home pay you know? 除非是不吃不喝的那个,要不然是有点吃力啦... 就是不一刀斩砍你后路,想想风水轮流转这码子事是每天在发生,可能以后也是自家人呢,who knows?



Romance April

Welcome April! Weather is not so pleasant recently and feel hard to breath but I really have some lovely things planned for this month. Everything is so dear to my heart... dinner, lovely meals, creamy cakes, mouth watering brownies, wine, maybe little bit of chocolate sundae ... yes, really looking forward with these great anticipation.



A man who always in my mind~ MISS YOU MUCH!