

来自菲律宾的同事Francis 即将身为另间美国公司的operation manager。辞行之余决定再到当地文化街走一趟。菲律宾人有个习俗,凡出国工作而入息比以往高就得为家中老幼亲朋戚友买礼物、带手信,属分享之意。我看他每两个月就大包小包提回家,看来物件并非以人头计,还是他连姻亲那头的亲友也列入购物单子内?血拼前,他说有个地方的先去,不然他的肚子就会吃掉另一边的肚子。


Fresh Local Baby Camel Cooked in Traditional Pot with Special Moroccon Spices QR65

Niçoise salad (QR25). As I know, is a French composed salad, with tuna, green beans, hard boiled eggs, potatoes, instead of chicken, bacon, and avocado. My Q is, is it one of the Moroccan styles? Or Middle East likes this serving very much and its become one of the requirements?

吃,最重要是咀嚼的过程,不然也没什么意思。沙拉,除了那些橄榄外,也没什么特别。其实各国的沙拉,菜类果类的选者和配搭,也是来去几款,没什么惊喜。喜欢吃沙拉的,都可以随喜好创出各种类的沙拉,无独有偶,也可能会是某国的沙拉。 至于喝这方面,可要好好讲讲。我盘点萝卜汁,比手掌再高一些,约马币16。大多的鲜果汁,都是纯天然,没有糖精或糖水。基本上还不算贵了,因为矿泉水一杯(不是一瓶)也要RM8,果汁就比较划算。可能他们算的,是“水”的量。 没预先要求,整杯果汁就那两小冰块。这儿,只要可以喝的下肚的就不会便宜。水,比石油还要值钱。

Fresh Carrot Juice (QR15)。 我其实想点的是萝卜奶,但他们根本就认为说萝卜和奶根本就是互相对立的东西。还建议我要多一杯鲜奶,但是价钱就比萝卜汁贵接近一倍。


France Farewell Parties

Time flies, after France announced his resignation, at the final last 2 weeks to coundown, 'D GANG' decided to have a farewell party for France's leaving of the Project. The entire week after the quick meeting, Yohan and me were busy on reserve and arrange the stuff, head count, quiz... we just hope France could bring along these happier moment and flying off together with him at the end of the day. PART I - Camp Manager Bar

Yohan Kim me and Francis

Chang HunPark

Azlan and his Quiz Show. ( The Answer: Turtle. DOes he looks like?)

Randy me Francus and Rogel

Francis tried so hard just for get the "entry permit"!

Andy : What's that call France?
France: Kenya memories.
Andy: Have u been to kenya?
Francy: That's why I've no memories!
Andy: ... ...
The Gang : HahahHHAaha..!

Azlan's Taquilla Sunrise.

Sinem and Her lovely husband, Ibrahim. She tended to take my shot... but she seems like posting for me to take her's! ^^

Ibon, have I told you lately.. that I love....... your new gadget, your nicon camera?!

Mohito.. my firsr to order, all the time!

Finally, These two gentlemen got an agreement when the camera face on them.

Last but not list, toasting! For the time to get along those were the days...

Our table picture is a must before we call : bill please!
from left : chang, helen, sinem, ibrahim, me, azlan, Harry, andy, france, yohan, kabir, rogel[of the rock] and randy. (6 countries and 7 nationalities..woww!)