Time flies, after France announced his resignation, at the final last 2 weeks to coundown, 'D GANG' decided to have a farewell party for France's leaving of the Project. The entire week after the quick meeting, Yohan and me were busy on reserve and arrange the stuff, head count, quiz... we just hope France could bring along these happier moment and flying off together with him at the end of the day. PART I - Camp Manager Bar
Yohan Kim me and Francis
Azlan and his Quiz Show. ( The Answer: Turtle. DOes he looks like?)
Francis tried so hard just for get the "entry permit"!
Azlan's Taquilla Sunrise.
Sinem and Her lovely husband, Ibrahim. She tended to take my shot... but she seems like posting for me to take her's! ^^
Ibon, have I told you lately.. that I love....... your new gadget, your nicon camera?!
Last but not list, toasting! For the time to get along those were the days...
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