富裕,是不同啲!An Oil-Rich Nation
Labels: Qatar
ABROAD - Qatar, Doha
8小时的飞行,冰凉的机位随着太阳光的折射逐渐温和。太阳,真的很美。她的魅力,就在当你 无声无息的开始抱怨、失望、泄气的时候,给你一个吻一个温抱。
Labels: Qatar
50 First Date
This romance comedy is about a man who goes out of his way to make a woman fall in love with him every day and helps her family cope with this illness by saying, “Don't just have her live the same day over and over. Make her life better. Allow her to grow because she is going to age and she's going to deal.” It's actually incredibly sensitive.
Marine biologist Henry Roth (Adam Sandler) finds the perfect woman, Lucy Whitmore (Drew Barrymore) and falls head over heels for her. But when he sees her the following day, she hasn't a clue as to who he is. Lucy suffers from a rare brain disorder that wipes her memory clean every night. Now, with the help of his friend Ula (Rob Schneider), he has to concoct new and increasingly clever ways to meet her and get her to fall for him every friggin' day. 有人祈求能忘切昨日甚至以往种种的不快或伤感之事。看了此影片,料您会衷心感激上天赐给自己完美的脑袋。毕竟回忆才是世界上最完美的人生片段。
Labels: 看读听后感
Die Hard
Labels: 看读听后感
The Holiday(2006)
Labels: 看读听后感
PS. I Love You
PS. I Love You 是爱尔兰女作家Cecelia Athern 的处女作。首版于2004年面世,在不同的国家成功创下最热卖畅销书的纪录,当中包括了英国、美国、德国、荷兰,还有持续十九个星期首居畅销排行榜的爱尔兰。 Cecelia Athern的女主角Holly是个年轻寡妇,对生活毫无目标却又感叹生活的现实带来的悲哀,经常和丈夫Gerry闹嘴。当深爱自己的丈夫脑瘤离世之后,作者以诙谐、感性及偶尔的理性来细说Holly如何在丈夫事先安排所要走的程序下,一步一脚印的牵引她走出阴霾、忘切伤痛,重新振作为自己理出一条大道。每一封信看似让她更为深陷和迷茫,但事实上却是Gerry把她推向光明的一面。过程中,她不仅重新认识自己,也对婚姻、家庭、好友及事业有了另一番的阐释。 每一个细节,都似曾相识。每一个细节,我都会黯然:那不就是自己经常会说的话、会做的事、会犯的错、会有的反应么?每个细节,都是一份爱、一份感动。 天底下没有任何的永恒,离自己而去的,只能算是生命中的一个章节…这么样,当每个晚上入睡前期待明天来临的时候、期待明日所有人事物之时,就会有所不一样了。这不是一本普遍的爱情故事。因为,我曾经在潮湿的枕边细琢回味过。
Labels: 看读听后感
Happy Birthday to me, Ms.Libra!
Libra sees both sides of everything. Libra also sees both sides of seeing both sides of everything. Libra is unhappy about seeing both sides of seeing both sides of everything. Libra is happy to tell you this.
Ruler and Symbol:
Libra is a sun sign ruled by the planet Venus and is represented by a weighing balance.
Birthday Forecast:
Libra Birthday Horoscope 2008 predicts that these people will have a fun-filled year ahead after their birthday.According to astrology, Libras will lead an organized life during 2008 especially after their birthday. However, they are advised to be prepared for pitfalls during this year, as anything can happen unexpectedly with them. Birthday Horoscope for Libras also indicates that these people will fetch great monetary gains in 2008. Librans will be seen succeeding in almost all phases of life in the year 2008 without sacrificing or pleasing others.
Libra is diplomatic, well balanced and appreciative.Libra is indecisive, immovable and uncertain.Libra has called for a confidential, closed-door meeting between both sides of Libra.Libra believes we can work it out. Libra also, as is well demonstrated here, likes to see Libra’s name in print. Libra is fascinated with Libra’s own idiosyncracies and internal contradictions to a really rather embarrassing degree. And when this time of year rolls around, Libra would like to be showered with gifts and attention, all the while protesting that you shouldn’t have gone to the trouble. Because that is Libra’s idea of a good time.
Wishing all the Libras a very Happy Birthday!
Labels: 柴米油盐
Shrek 1 2 3 ...
Labels: 看读听后感
人才 VS 奴才
无论是谁,做那份工作,在岗位上挥洒自如,游刃有余,便是胜任,均会给旁人一种愉快地感觉。 老板看在眼里,甜在心里,暗喜幸运有个人才,在盘算是不是应该给些嘉许,怎么样的嘉许好让能更为公司出多一份力。好员工加上老板的慧眼,就如高级布遇上上等染料,是何等级的成品。
Labels: 职场生涯
Labels: 老友记
Bangkok ii
... Rush Hour
Labels: Thailand: Bangkok