
DIY Papaya Yogurt

Like this fermented milk product very much. I had a cup of wholesome and versatile DIY 's this lovely evening , to welcoming my 26 days long vocation after tomorow... cheerrrrrssss... ~

YOGURT is a fermented dairy product made by adding bacterial cultures to milk, which causes the transformation of the milk's sugar, lactose, into lactic acid. This process gives yogurt its refreshingly tart flavor and unique pudding-like texture, a quality that is reflected in its original Turkish name, Yoghurmak, which means "to thicken."
Yogurt for A Longer Life The highest quality yogurt in your grocery store contains live bacteria that provides a host of health benefits. Yogurt that contains live bacterial cultures may help you to live longer, and may fortify your immune system.
Eating yogurt may help to prevent vaginal yeast infections. In one study, women who had frequent yeast infections ate 8 ounces of yogurt daily for 6 months. Researchers reported that a threefold decrease in infections was seen in these women.

Yogurt Boosts Immune Response Lactobacillus casei, a strain of friendly bacteria found in cultured foods like yogurt and kefir, significantly improved the immune response and ability to fight off pneumonia in an animal study published in the Journal of Nutrition.

Yogurt Lowers LDL, Raises HDL Cholesterol Daily consumption of 3 ounces (100 g) of probiotic yogurt (yogurt containing health-promoting bacteria) significantly improved the cholesterol profile, lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol while raising HDL (good) cholesterol, in women volunteers.

Lower Body Fat Linked to Consumption of Calcium-Rich Foods A prospective study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association gives parents yet another reason to consider regularly including low-fat dairy products such as yogurt in their children's healthy way of eating, given the rate at which childhood obesity is rising in the West: consumption of calcium-rich foods was found to be negatively correlated with body fat.

Specifically, Significantly Increases Fat Loss In just 3 months, 16 obese men and women on a reduced calorie diet that included three daily portions of yogurt lost 61% more fat and 81% more abdominal fat than 18 obese subjects assigned to a diet with the same number of calories but little or no dairy products and low amounts of calcium.

Calcium-rich Dairy Foods Boost the Body's Fat Burning After a Meal Yet another study suggests those ads linking a daily cup of yogurt to a slimmer silhouette have a real basis in scientific fact. Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition not only confirms earlier studies showing a calcium-rich diet is associated with fat loss, but may help explain why.

Boost the Body's Ability to Build Bone It's not just its calcium that makes yogurt a bone-friendly food, cow's milk and fermented milk products such as yogurt and kefir also contain lactoferrin, an iron-binding protein that boosts the growth and activity of osteoblasts (the cells that build bone).

Help Prevent and Heal Arthritis Lactobacillus, a probiotic (friendly) bacteria found in yogurt offers "remarkable preventive and curative" effects on arthritis, say Israeli researchers in a study published in the Journal of Nutrition. Because lactobacillus has already demonstrated beneficial effects in other inflammatory diseases such as inflammatory bowel disorders, researchers thought it might also lessen the inflammation of arthritis.

Protection against Ulcers Helicobater pylori the bacterium responsible for most ulcers, can be shut down by yogurt, suggests a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Reduce Your Risk of Colorectal Cancer Although we've focused on the benefits of low-fat yogurt, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition indicates that enjoying full-fat yogurt and other full-fat dairy foods, such as whole milk, kefir, cheese, cream, sour cream and butter, may significantly reduce risk for colorectal cancer.

For Fresh Breath and a Healthy Mouth, Eat Yogurt Consuming just 3.2 ounces (90 grams) of yogurt twice a day not only lowers levels of hydrogen sulfide and other volatile sulfide compounds responsible for bad breath, but may also eliminate tongue-coating bacteria and reduce dental plaque formation, cavities, and risk for gingivitis. Be careful when selecting yogurt and choose yogurts that contain live cultures-highest quality prodcts will often indicate exactly how many live bacteria are contained in the product. Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermopholis are the lactic acid bacteria usually used to make yogurt in the United States. resources : World's Healthiest Foods ( http://www.whfoods.com/ )



Malaysia Today 网站主编拉惹柏特拉 (Raja Petra) 向来言行举止大胆不足为奇最大原因与他背后雄厚的后盾及政治平台前后的资深阅历不无关联。从撰文《莫哈末之子莫哈末,地域见》(See you in hell Muhamad son of Muhamad),抖出一大堆莫哈末泰益 (Muhammad Muhd Taib) 当政时的臭史。当中包括莫哈末和已故雪洲苏丹沙拉胡汀的女儿离婚时所开的一千两百万马币的支票作为赡养费,明指贪污。四月间又在网站发文《把杀害阿旦杜亚的凶手送入地域》(Let’s Send Altantuya’s Murderer to Hell),点名道姓直指副首相纳吉夫妇。虽然纳吉和罗斯玛已多次否认两人涉及阿旦杜亚命案,但柏特拉还是因煽动法令而遭被控刑事诽谤。

由于柏特拉因所有对他的指控恶意及无效而“不表态”之下,控方只好释为不认罪,并认为自己已给于充分合作而根本无须缴付分毫。其实他也无意危难任何一方,只是看透了官场内外这些司马昭。推事最后以马币两千准柏特拉保释外出,并在八月过堂。足足扣了八十巴仙,比嘉年华购物节的打折货品还低廉。虽然事后他说:“I am in mood to Fxxx the government!”,离去时脸上不乏笑意,可能在想:‘这就是所谓的官?官嘛,有什么大不了?我的Malina,两千块?太多了!’

有时候 ,一个国家无论多民主多开放,马国当然不在民心的名单之内,社会仍需要像柏特拉这类不平则鸣的人士,来反映社会的种种弊端。因为任何正面、引以为傲之事,无需贫民百姓来说,隔天自然会大字登上报章头条。正义之士也只是举旗喊喊口号,或借以笔墨抒发己见,是文人常做之事。动不动就十多辆军车武装上路,搞得人心惶惶;或动用千多人在不恰当的时间驻守市中心主要大道临捡,以提防骚乱,弄得乌烟瘴气、民生怨道,国民是不是也应该来控诉?要控诉,控那一方?种种损失又该怎么盘算?如民联真的没有如所说的煽动大集会,是不是也可以起诉诽谤?



小小债主 ANN's New borned baby

老友先前就说:“迟了两个礼拜,还没来。一个月才干那两次,还带套... 万字都没得好中,甘次啦耶!” “又还没看医生,怎么酱快就确定?再看看吧!”我说。现在,女儿都已满月。 小宝宝叫Amy,一双眼睛盖了半边脸,身形娇小,也是个小美人。

幸福的定义视个别案件而论。与她在电话中聊天,另外两只“化骨龙”在大喊大叫,她又老在烦躁而一直嘶喊。我顿时觉得:单身,是一种幸福。公共假日想要与她喝杯茶,只能选在巴刹吃猪肠粉喝KOPI-O GAO。要逛街?我得与她一手牵一个,就顺便逛巴刹吧!所以,自由,也是幸福。 她不曾因为当年年少时的疏忽有了一个现在读小学的儿子而后悔,现在也没因为没安什么子宫环之类的避孕措施而自责。

我只是认为我现处的状况属于幸福,至少没任何束缚。但我却非常肯定,她找到了他的幸福。主要原因是家里有了三个小债主。虽然她也经常对我说,别那么早定终身,要去哪儿干嘛都行! 所以呢,我老是作弄她:“是你买的套破洞?要不然就买到二手货,过了期!”



脍炙人口的电影加上打不死的英雄构成了踏入电影院的动机。 电影全长两小时。电影开端没什特别的惊喜,思维也只是忙着从先前模糊的旧电影片断中找回与这部电影的衔接点。 隔了十九年再度开拍,史导演的毅力和耐力远远也不及岁月无情洗礼。Harrison Ford少了俊俏,多了许多沧桑,也是理所当然之事。也好在可能因饭碗问题,没中年发福,不然成了“胖印第” 。倘若开拍第五部,不死英雄再演下去,当爸爸都嫌年轻;不过Karen Allen 仍有当妈妈的本钱。继续单杠还是被取而代之,影迷影评都会有话说。不过向来史大导都鲜少让观众失望。至于Shia LaBeouf 这“小印第安”的形象,有的比较就会显得与当年的“老印第安”有过之而不及之处。总之, 仍不得我民心就是了。