
A Diners

Food always be my first priority when it comes to travel, of course, besides of shopping, lol. So, since am out of my home sweet home and a dusty city with full of honking and traffic jams, yeah most of the places in the world sharing the same condition but thing is am getting the most quality time of myself for this entire week, I don’t seen panic with the traffics but enjoy the scenery along the ways and I get to do whatever I want!

I have to say I was a bit more sensible for the meal, as a traveler. Surprisingly, all I ate just so filling and I don’t feel snacky at all and some of them even not came in my first intention. Look at the papaya salad, it was so gorgeous and tasty and it may temp me wanna lick my screen every time when I see it. Something regretful was the mouthwatering desserts were incredibly delicious till forgot to capture them before I leaving this lovely place, Bangkok.



无论古老新旧,每个城市都有它独特的味道。又再次从新加坡回来,每一回去的感觉都没什么大的分别,待上三五天,吃吃喝喝走走逛逛时而的开怀大笑不时又附头沉思,没舍的又过了一天。她力求平等先进美观是唯一能Impressed 自己的地方。

离开新加坡的36小时后飞抵曼谷。她让许多人先入为主的印象是,车水马龙杂乱无章布满烟尘的城市;又或者是芳香四“艳”,夜夜笙歌的不夜城。撇开那种Luxury 式的旅游,花上三五天在不同的小巷穿插游走,就会发觉,曼谷并不是想象的那么简单。


走进窄小的巷子,污水随拖鞋的踢踏溅起贴在平滑的后腿,你会发觉用上tissue拭擦是很累的动作。 停下来时小贩 们对你说的都是道地泰语,也从不去察觉或分析前面这位是否是游客,除了外表明显的ang mo佬,会道出一两个规范英语字,不然就索性不发一言,不是不说是语言不通。午饭时间,身上就如溅上一瓶鱼露和醋,走到哪都摆脱不了。吃裸条汤猪杂米饭烤肉腌制串烧,人人都沾上一些,再加几茶匙辣椒粉,站着坐着蹲着就往嘴巴里去,看他们吃得那么开心,自己也按耐不住在路边摊来一碗。最回味的还是那颗香脆番石榴,250泰铢整粒切片包起,水果本身还不是主角,是后头配上的那包酸梅辣椒粉。回国后有试调配,就是调不回当天人字拖站在街边吃的味道。整条巷子就是被这种五味杂成的味道混了混,成了可爱的巷弄文化。

曼谷人很会生活。市井一群的弄个推车放两张凳子就做买卖,做生意的也从不说摊子再摆迟一些好做多点生意,临走前和左邻右舍还能喝上一两瓶啤酒,笑谈风生;打工一族的就几家店面跑忙着试衣饰,客人上门有兴趣的就打包收钱,讨价还价的只要是不亏本倒贴通常也照单全收。认识的问多两句,他们只会挥挥手和谐的对你说:‘MAI PEN ARAI’! (意指无所谓、没关系、不打紧...)这是他们的生活哲学,不是悲观,是他们找到最能接近平静和平淡的要求。



need a separates saving acc?

I couldn't think off any word but only 'gorgeous' to describe her lovely body shapes.
should I, or for those bag lovers actually does what am i planning to, set up a separate savings account for the one and only shoulder bag? I am really impressed by J.Crew's design.


Breezy afternoon

Feeling pretty good, as I permed my hair, finally, for the first time, which should be another surprise for 'some one'~...lol. And, i've enjoyed sleeping and relaxing for the day. Beside of planning my great escape to Bangkok, yes,again! end of this month, as well as hoping my white gorgeous pants still allowed my little tummy to fit into, for the coming event in Singapore this weekend.